30A Coastal Dunes Wine Company
In Vino Veritas: A Creative Partnership
By Lisa Burwell
The Idea Boutique was honored to work on developing the wine label and branding for 30A Coastal Dunes. When prominent local restaurateurs and food purveyors like Charles Modica of the landmark Seaside, Florida-based Modica Market and George Barnes, former owner of Smiling Fish Café in Gulf Place and now general manager of 723 Whiskey Bravo team up to launch a new business, you take notice!
It was only last fall that we sat and spoke to Charles and George about their new venture, taking their passion for our area to a new level by bringing a crisp and delicious 2013 Chardonnay from the Russian River Valley in Sonoma County to the locals and tourists alike. 30A Coastal Dunes was born.
The wine will be sold throughout the Northwest Florida area and has been met with rave reviews with many local restaurants and distributers. McNeese Distributers will offer the wine to its boutique client base, and it’s no surprise that a large selection proudly sits in a prime location in Modica Market as well.
Plan to stop by Modica Market at 109 Center Avenue in the heart of Seaside’s Central Square on May 6, when vintners Peter and Cathy Seghesio will be hosting a mixer and wine tasting along with Charles and George. Come hang out and enjoy the newest wine to wet your whistle after a long day at the beach!
A special shout out to artist Allison Wickey, whose beautiful painting of Western Lake on the label proudly represents the wine and our area, and to graphic designer Devan Watkins here at The Idea Boutique!

Photographed by Shane Carter
Read more about the inception of 30A Coastal Dunes Chardonnay in VIE magazine’s new Food and Fashion Issue here!